Jesus Christ referred to Peter as a rock in Matthew 16:18, telling him that he would build his church on that rock, and that the gates of hell would not prevail against it. The same mission is given to Brother Stephen Adom Kyei-Duah as a Shepherd and General Overseer of the Philadelphia Movement/Believers Worship Centre (BWC) in context with Jeremiah 23:4 by Our Lord.
Brother Stephen, also known as Adom, believes in three core attributes: Justice, Mercy, and Honesty. He is a soldier of the cross of Jesus Christ and always in defence of the word of God with his popular and most famous phrase “Hwee ni ho”, which means “No greater spirit or power exists aside from The Almight God.

He was born on March 4th 1963, had his elementary school and completed Form-Four (4) education at Akosombo L/A Middle School in 1980. He was trained as a mechanic at the Plant and Vehicle Workshop by the Volta River Authority (VRA), Akosombo, Ghana.
In 1983, he travelled to Nigeria and lived briefly in Lagos, Oyo, and finally in Lorin, Kwara State. In search of the Supreme God for about five years, the spirit of God led him to the Sobi Mountain in Kwara State, Llorin, Nigeria in 1988, where he had the call of God.
He started his missionary work at Kwara State, after he had the call of God on the Sobi Mt and in the same year he established the Group of Believers Ministry. But later left to Benin (Dahomey) in 1995. He returned to Ghana in 1997 and continued with “The Group of Believers Prayer Camp” which was inaugurated at Asiakwa his hometown in the Eastern Region of Ghana. Again he moved his mission to Cape Coast but left in 1999 to Côte d’Ivoire.
In Côte d’Ivoire he had a prophecy that the country would be plunged into political turmoil from December 1999. Whiles waiting for God’s direction, the voice reiterated that there would not be peace in Côte d’Ivoire for 15 years starting from 2000.
So in 2002, he returned to Ghana and settled at Obuasi in Ashanti Region where he established the Adom Prayer and Healing Camp till 2008 when he received God’s direction to move to the “Promise Land” Kumasi.

At Kumasi the Holy Spirit gave the direction for the establishment of the Believers Worship Centre (BWC). It was inaugurated on January 24th, 2010 at Anwomaso a suburb of Kumasi where we worshipped for two years under mango trees. God through his mystery gave us a mighty mansion (The Temple of God) not built with any financial resources from members which is beyond the understanding of all who visited the Church located at Kenyase Adwumam (Teacher Nkwanta) off Kumasi Airport- Buokurom, Antoa Road. The first service was held on Sunday March 25th, 2012 and the testimony of God’s power continues to manifest service after service especially during Sundays and Wednesdays especially during the last Wednesday to Friday of the month healing and deliverance services which attract people all over the world.


Stephen Adom Kyei-Duah

Enrich your soul with the pure word of God from the 8th Generational Prophet. His Sundays and Wednesdays sermons in Kumasi, as well as the Fridays teachings, healing, and prayer sessions in Accra, will make you aware that your time is up.

Whatsapp Line: (+233) 543 564 421

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